Admission Policy
Young people referred to Bay View Childcare are usually displaying a number of anti social behaviours and difficulties. Many will have been in receipt of multi professional services and their families may be disrupted or non-existent. Their history of going from one service to another underlines the lack of stability in their lives. In order to minimise the chance of further instability Bay View Childcare endeavours to offer placements only to those young people who we feel can be successful in the environment we offer.
We can offer placements to young people:
- Aged between 10 – 17 (inclusive) years of age of either gender (can consider placements outside of this age range)
- Emergency same day placements
- Who need short / medium / long term placements
- Attachment problems
- Suffered neglect
- Experienced low self-esteem, poor life skills and difficulties with independent living skills.
- Disruptive or challenging behaviour
- A history of minor offending behaviour
- Absconded
- Victims of abuse, physical, sexual or emotion
- Problems maintaining themselves in mainstream education, or who have a statement of Education identifying mild to moderate learning disabilities and or behavioural difficulties.
We at Bay View Childcare believe that all young people should be given a chance to experience positives in their life, therefore all other young people referred will be considered on risk and individual needs and in the context of all other young people that are already accommodated in the home.