Childcare Admission Procedure
- On initial contact with Bay View Childcare, we would as a matter of routine, need to ascertain the background of an individual, their previous experiences and circumstances and their immediate needs. Based on this first contact and ‘pen-picture’, the Manager should be able to make a decision as to whether this initial contact should move onto the next stage.
- Following the initial contact, the Manager will request that the referring authority complete a Placement Request Form. This will be emailed to the social worker. On completion of the form, the social worker will be required to return it by post or email, along with any other relevant reports and information, in order that the Manager can have a full picture, and give due consideration to the appropriateness of the possible placement.
- Upon receipt of the information, a decision will be made within 24 hours.
- When Bay View Childcare makes the offer of a placement, we will need confirmation that funding will be agreed. The relevant parties will send a ‘Contract of Placement’ to the social worker for consideration and completion.
- It is our policy that for a planned placement, the young person, social worker and family (if appropriate), are invited for a visit. This could also include an overnight stay.
- Once the visit has taken place, and all parties are happy with what they have seen and heard, a date for admission can be agreed.
- If there are problems bringing the young person for a visit, we are able to travel to where the young person is for an initial meeting.
- We would always ask that the young person considers the move to us carefully, and gives confirmation (in some cases, reluctantly), of their wish to live with us. If a young person is adamant that they don’t want to live with us, they very rarely buy into the home.
- Failure to supply all information about the young person at the outset may result in the offer of a placement being terminated immediately. The needs of all our residents are at the heart of our profession, and we will not compromise on this.